In my CakePHP site, I want to make a drop-down list of all Venues
, and any Restaurants
that have is_venue=1
I've tried this in my events_controller:
$venueOptions = array(
'fields' => array('id', 'name_address'),
'order' => array('name'),
'join' => array(
'table' => 'restaurants',
'alias' => 'Restaurants',
'type' => 'inner',
'fields' => array('id', 'name'),
'foreignKey' => false,
'conditions' => array('restaurants.is_venue = 1')
$venues = $this->Event->Venue->find('list', $venueOptions);
But it appears to still just be getting the venues. I don't really need an association between the two, since their associations will both be with an event, not each other.
Where have I gone wrong? Am I close, but just need to tweak this code, or am I just all-together doing it wrong?
I think you could do something along the lines of:
$v = $this->Venue->find( 'list' );
$r = $this->Restaurant->find( 'list' );
$venues = Set::merge( $v, $r );
natcasesort( $venues );
// print_r( $venues );
$this->set( 'venues', $venues );
Which is quite like the code above - I just use the Set class and make sure to Controller::set the variable to the view.
Also added some basic sorting to show you one option even though array sorting has nothing really specific to do with CakePHP.
Also fixed some bad variable names where I had originally used $venues, and $restaurants - changed to be consistently $v and $r.