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how to do Role Base Access in Laravel?

I am new in Laravel How to do in laravel role with the following table


If user activity and the role is “admin”, should get access to Admin Dashboard page, else if a user is active and the role is “manager” should get access to the manager Dashboard page, if-else user is active and role “DEO”/data entry operator should get entry form else to redirect to the login page with error? Should we write in page.blad.php or in controller functions?


  • The easiest way is to apply user roles is by using this famous spatie/laravel-permission package

    This package allows you to manage user permissions and roles in a database.

    Once installed you can do stuff like this:

    // Adding permissions to a user
    $user->givePermissionTo('edit articles');
    // Adding permissions via a role
    $role->givePermissionTo('edit articles');

    Because all permissions will be registered on Laravel's gate, you can check if a user has a permission with Laravel's default can function:

    $user->can('edit articles');

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