I'm quite new to Rust and Diesel. I'm now trying to implement Diesel filtering for query like this:
-- @param1 is duration in years
-- @param2 is duration in months
SELECT columns FROM a
(...dynamic AND clauses)
AND (((a.min_unit = "Years") AND (a.min_duration <= @param1))
OR ((a.min_unit = "Months") AND (a.min_duration <= @param2)))
(...dynamic AND clauses)
After some searches in docs and around the web, I still couldn't find how to do this. My closest guess is:
let param1 = ...;
let param2 = ...;
let mut query = a::table.select(a::all_columns).into_boxed();
// dynamic clauses: query = query.filter(...) ...
query = query.filter(a::min_unit.eq(Some("Years")).and(a::min_duration.le(Some(param1))))
// dynamic clauses: query = query.filter(...) ...
let results = a::table.load<A>(&*conn);
Anyone has idea?
Well, here is my latest try:
let min_months_predicate = a::min_unit.eq(Some("Months"))
let min_years_predicate = a::min_unit.eq(Some("Years"))
query = query.filter(min_months_predicate.or(min_years_predicate))
debug!("TEST QUERY: {:?}", debug_query(&query));
which yields this query:
"SELECT \"a\".\"id\", \"a\".\"code\", .... WHERE (\"a\".\"min_unit\" = $1 AND \"a\".\"min_duration\" <= $2 OR \"a\".\"min_unit\" = $3 AND \"a\".\"min_duration\" <= $4) AND \"a\".\"max_duration\" >= $5"
And when I use sql EXPLAIN with this query, I got this clause:
Filter: ((max_duration >= 60) AND (((min_unit = 'Months'::text) AND (min_duration <= 3)) OR ((min_unit = 'Years'::text) AND (min_duration <= 5))))
which seems correct.