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Pygame cursor in for loop only working on last

I'm trying to switch the cursor in pygame (python module) when the mouse is around rects stored in list and then the mouse get back to normal.

I tested the loop, its working in many ways. But with a switch on cursor, only on the last element of the list is working(the indentation is ok). It's quite weird, i have tested many things but it doesn't work.

Here is my code :



button = pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, (585, 424, 50, 50))
button2 = pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, (235, 274, 30, 30))
button3 = pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, (440, 311, 40, 40))
all_buttons = [button2, button3, button]

running = True
while running:

    screen.blit(background, (0, 0))

    for x in all_buttons:
        if x.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):



I also tested this :

 def mouse_state(cursor_state):
    if cursor_state:


cursor_state = True
while running:
    for x in all_buttons:
        if x.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
            cursor_state = False
            cursor_state = True




  • The issue is that you're constantly setting the cursor back to arrow when the cursor is not in the next box.

    Walk through your algorithm:

    • if cursor in box1
      • set cursor to diamond
    • else
      • set cursor to arrow
    • if cursor in box2
      • set cursor to diamond
    • else
      • set cursor to arrow
    • if cursor in box3
      • set cursor to diamond
    • else
      • set cursor to arrow

    So unless you're hovering over the last box, the cursor is only set to diamond for a split-second, before being re-set in the next box-test. Probably you never see it change when over the first 2 boxes.

    One way around is to set a flag when the mouse is inside any box, then use that flag to set the mouse-cursor.