I'm developing websites with new CodeIgniter 4 (I used CodeIgniter 3) and I have a problem:
I use multi public folders to run multi websites on 1 CodeIgniter system like:
in index.php (which is from CI4) I've just added the line below:
define('PUBFOLDER', basename(__DIR__));
And in app/Config/Events.php I've added the code below:
Events::on('pre_system', function () {
$configs = Database::connect(PUBFOLDER)
foreach($configs as $config)
config('App')->{$config->option_name} = $config->option_value;
(find here: https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4/issues/1661#issuecomment-453723931)
When I navigate it works great.
But now I would like to use CLI and "spark", and when I do a:
php spark
I have a logical error:
Type: ErrorException
Message: Use of undefined constant PUBFOLDER - assumed 'PUBFOLDER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
Filename: /home/www/ci4/www/app/Config/Events.php
So how could I do to tell spark that I want to use it in "site1" for example?
Thanks for you help!
Just find a solution: I've duplicated "spark" file into "spark-site1" and "spark-site2"
In theses files I add à line just after PHP open tag like:
#!/usr/bin/env php
define('PUBFOLDER', str_replace('spark-', '', basename(__FILE__)));
And modified the FCPATH definition to:
It works.