I have a table with no model in SQLAlchemy, for example, names
in my database and I want to clone it with a new name names_clone
How can this be achieved in SQLAlchemy without using SQLAlchemy Models?
db_url = "some DB URL engine"
engine = create_engine(db_url)
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
inspector = inspect(engine)
table = Table("names", meta, autoload=True)
# I want do some thing like blow
new_table = table.copy
I code like this and
columns = []
for column in table.columns:
columns.append(Column(column.name, column.type, primary_key=column.primary_key,
new_table = Table(
new_name, meta
, *columns
result = meta.create_all(engine, tables=[new_table])
query = new_table \
.insert() \
.from_select(names=[column.name for column in new_table.columns],
# array of column names that your query returns
result = connection.execute(query)