I would like to record the exit code of all shell commands from a specific TTY without additional syntax per command.
For example:
> source solution.sh # sets up this bash session to monitor exit codes
> ls
> ls f
ls: f: No such file or directory
> echo "hello world"
Some file would store exit codes:
Is this possible? If not, I am open to other ideas that might accomplish something similar.
My end goal is to collect data on all of my executed commands and their exit codes (kind of like ~/.bash_history
with exit codes appended)
Thanks to the numerous helpful comments, I have arrived at the following solutions to record exit codes of shell commands as they are executed:
Using trap debug:
trap 'x=$?; echo "$x" >> ~/exit-codes.log' DEBUG
PROMPT_COMMAND='x=$?; echo "$x" >> ~/exit-codes.log; (exit $x)'
Note that the PROMPT_COMMAND
must exit with the exit code in order to preserve exit code history across shell commands.
Process accounting is a more principled solution for this, but it requires sudo
access to enable.
The solution.sh
I ended up using to log both exit codes and commands is the following:
trap 'previous_exit_code=$?; previous_command=$this_command; \
this_command=$BASH_COMMAND; [ ! -z "$previous_command" ] && \
echo \"$previous_command\", $previous_exit_code >> ~/exit-codes.log' DEBUG