I'm getting a List in the API controller method and passing it to the Handler like below. What I am intending to do is loop over the list and save all the items of the list into the DB.
public class Create
public class Command : IRequest
public Guid A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
public string C { get; set; }
public bool D { get; set; }
public class Handler : IRequestHandler<List<Command>>
private readonly DataContext _context;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public Handler(DataContext context, IMapper mapper)
_mapper = mapper;
_context = context;
public async Task<Unit> Handle(List<Command> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// loop over the request list and save in the database
However there's a red line under 'Handler
' in the code line: public class Handler : IRequestHandler<List<Command>>
Hovering over the 'Handler
', it says:
The type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' cannot be used as type parameter 'TRequest' in the generic type or method 'IRequestHandler'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'MediatR.IRequest'. [Application]csharp(CS0311)
My API Controller method is:
public async Task<ActionResult<Unit>> Create(List<Create.Command> commands) // not like this, it'll be a list
return await Mediator.Send(commands);
Red Line under return await Mediator.Send(commands);
Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) [API]csharp(CS0266)
If I've missed some information while writing the question, please be easy on me, I will keep updating upon inquiry.
So here's how I eventually solved the problem:
Step 1: Instead of having props in the Command class, Have a nested class in the same Create.cs class where Command class is:
public class CreateDto
public Guid A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
public string C { get; set; }
public bool D { get; set; }
Step 2: will be Command class. Command class will be now:
public class Command : IRequest
public List<CreateDto> SomeObjects { get; set; }
Step 3: Handler class will become:
public class Handler : IRequestHandler<Command>
private readonly DataContext _context;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public Handler(DataContext context, IMapper mapper)
_mapper = mapper;
_context = context;
public async Task<Unit> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var obj in request.SomeObjectss)
// logic
return Unit.Value;
Step 4: Controller method will become:
public async Task<ActionResult<Unit>> Create(List<CreateDto> createDtos)
return await Mediator.Send(new Create.Command{SomeObjects = createDtos});