I am with very large rasters in R. I have a code that I have been able to run before, with the same large rasters, but when I try to run my code again for reproducibility, I am getting the same error "Failure during raster IO".
For instance, in this section of a code I am trying to break a large raster (~ 5 GB) into smaller tiles so that I can speed up processing time in R.
large_raster <- stack("D:/large_raster.tif")
tileno <- 2 # split the large raster into 2 tiles
cl <- makeCluster(3)
foreach(i = 1:nlayers(large_raster))%dopar%{
newraster <- splitRaster(large_raster[[i]],nx=tileno,ny=1)
for(j in 1:length(newraster)){
writeRaster(newraster[[j]], filename=paste("D:/large_raster_layer0", i, "_tile", j, ".tif",sep=""))
writeRaster(newraster[[j]],filename=paste("D:/large_raster_layer", i, "_tile", j, ".tif",sep = ""))
#stack tiles
dir <- ("D:/")
for(j in 1:tileno){
for(i in 1:length(tiles)){
writeRaster(s, filename = paste("D:/large_raster_tile", j, ".tif", sep=""))
But I get the error
Error in rgdal::getRasterData(object@file@con, offset = offs, region.dim = reg, :
Failure during raster IO
If I skip the tiling step and just end up working with my 5 GB large_raster
I end up getting the error again in this code, where I am creating a new raster called wfps_growSeas
by overlaying 2 other rasters called dswe2wfps
and swt
cl <- makeCluster(3)
wfps_growSeas <- foreach(j = 1:nlayers(dswe2wfps))%dopar%{
overlay(dswe2wfps[[j]],swt[[j]], fun=function (x,y){
return (x)},filename=paste("D:/temp2delete/raster",j, "_", info, ".tif",sep=""),overwrite=TRUE)
wfps_growSeas <- stack(wfps_growSeas)
And I get the error:
Error in { : task 1 failed - "Failure during raster IO
Strangely, these errors has happened recently. A few weeks ago, I was able to run this exact code with these exact same large rasters, and currently, I am able to run these coded using smaller rasters. I am using R-3.6.2, but colleagues have suggested this error is usually related to sheer raster size and R's memory. This post suggests this error is due to corrupt rasters, but I don't think that's the problem. Any suggestions?
The issue was solved by changing my folders (and the rasters saved in the folders) from a D drive (external 2 TB solid state hard drive) to my computer's C drive. I can still run codes working with smaller raster sizes directly on my D drive (which, in this case, actually still had plenty of memory left on it).