I am trying to set up firebase CLI in my continuous integration (travis-ci, not that it really matters) and I inevitably have to login to firebase.
$ firebase login --token FIREBASE_TOKEN --no-localhost
]0;Firebase CLIi Firebase optionally collects CLI usage and error reporting information to help improve our products. Data is collected in accordance with Google's privacy policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy) and is not used to identify you.
? Allow Firebase to collect CLI usage and error reporting information? (Y/n)
Since it's just travis-ci, there's no way for it to answer yes or no to that prompt, which hangs and kills the build.
I did check firebase login
's --help
and here's what I got:
> firebase login --help
Usage: firebase login [options]
log the CLI into Firebase
--no-localhost copy and paste a code instead of starting a local server for authentication
--reauth force reauthentication even if already logged in
-h, --help output usage information
So there doesn't seem to be any kind of override flag like -y
or anything.
How am I supposed to log into firebase in my continuous build if there's no way to skip this prompt? Alternatively, how can I skip this prompt?
I think it can't be complicated because support for "CI Systems" is outlined in Firebase's own docs.
Edit: Attempted with login:ci
$ firebase login:ci --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
]0;Firebase CLI
Visit this URL on this device to log in:
Waiting for authentication...
You don't need to firebase login
if you run commands with the flag --token
$ curl -sL https://firebase.tools | bash
-- Checking for existing firebase-tools on PATH...
-- Checking your machine type...
-- Downloading binary from https://firebase.tools/bin/linux/latest
######################################################################## 100.0%
-- Setting permissions on binary...
-- Checking your PATH variable...
-- firebase-tools@]0;Firebase CLI8.4.1 is now installed
-- All Done!
$ firebase firestore:delete --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN --all-collections --project $PROJECT_ID -y
]0;Firebase CLIDeleting the following collections: