I am doing a little complicated integral with python and I would need the result to be a numerical value, for example 2003708.58843. Now my python program gives some really weird result containing some "hyper" function etc. If someone can help me with this I would appreciate it really much.
Current program is here:
import sympy as sp
x = sp.symbols('x')
f1 = 5000 + ((-(-7000+x)*(-3000+x))**(1/2))
f2 = 5000 - ((-(-7000+x)*(-3000+x))**(1/2))
minimum1 = 3000
maximum1 = (500/3)*(35-2*((61)**(1/2)))
int1 = sp.integrate(f1, (x,minimum1,maximum1))
int2 = sp.integrate(f2, (x,minimum1,maximum1))
minimum2 = (500/3)*(35-2*((61)**(1/2)))
maximum2 = 4500
f3 = 5000 + (1/2)*((-(-4500+x)*(-500+x))**(1/2))
f4 = 5000 - (1/2)*((-(-4500+x)*(-500+x))**(1/2))
int3 = sp.integrate(f3, (x,minimum2,maximum2))
int4 = sp.integrate(f4, (x,minimum2,maximum2))
I1 = int1-int2
I2 = int3-int4
total = I1 + I2
Try this:
from scipy.integrate import quad
def integrand(x):
return x**2
ans, err = quad(integrand, 0, 1)
print ans
Simply change the integrand
function to whatever you want and 1, 0
to the limits of integration you desire.
code taken from here.