Search code examples

unable to transform one json form to another using jolt parser

I have a data like below:

  "resourceType": "Immunization",
  "id": "example",
  "protocolApplied": [
      "series": "2-dose",
      "authority": {
        "reference": "Organization/org1",
        "type": "Organization",
        "display": "xyz organization"
      "targetDisease": [
          "coding": [
              "system": "",
              "code": "40468003"
      "doseNumberPositiveInt": 1,
      "seriesDosesPositiveInt": 10
      "series": "3-dose",
      "targetDisease": [
          "coding": [
              "system": "",
              "code": "66071002"
      "doseNumberString": "one",
      "seriesDosesString": "ten"

I need to transform it to get the below output:

[ {
  "resourceType" : "Immunization",
  "series" : "2-dose",
  "reference" : "Organization/org1",
  "type" : "Organization",
  "display" : "xyz organization",
  "doseNumberPositiveInt" : 1,
  "seriesDosesPositiveInt" : 10
}, {
  "resourceType" : "Immunization",
  "series" : "3-dose",
  "targetDiseaseCode": "66071002"
  "doseNumberString" : "one",
  "seriesDosesString" : "ten"
} ]  

Below is my spec:

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "protocolApplied": {
        "*": {
          "@(2,resourceType)": "[#2].resourceType",
          "authority": {
            // "reference": "reference"
            "*": "[#3].&"
          "targetDisease": {
            "*": {
              "coding": {
                "*": {
                  //"*": "[#2].&"
                  "@(2,system)": "[#2].targetDiseaseCodingSystem"
          "*": "[#2].&"


I am getting below output after applying above spec:

[ {
  "resourceType" : "Immunization",
  "series" : "2-dose",
  "reference" : "Organization/org1",
  "type" : "Organization",
  "display" : "xyz organization",
  "doseNumberPositiveInt" : 1,
  "seriesDosesPositiveInt" : 10
}, {
  "resourceType" : "Immunization",
  "series" : "3-dose",
  "doseNumberString" : "one",
  "seriesDosesString" : "ten"
} ]

Where targetcodingsystem and targetdiseasecode is not populated. Please help me in this.


  • Below is spec would help,

    Use [&n], to shift the value n object above.

        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "protocolApplied": {
            "*": {
              "@(2,resourceType)": "[&1].resourceType",
              "authority": {
                "*": "[&2].&"
              "targetDisease": {
                "*": {
                  "coding": {
                    "*": {
                      "system": "[&5].targetDiseaseCodingSystem",
                      "code": "[&5].targetDiseaseCode"
              "*": "[&1].&"