I used the ltrim() function in php to trim ":new" from ":newname" but it is also trimming the "n" of name and returning "ame".
Here is the code :
echo ltrim(":newname",":new");
Which returns
Is there anything I can do ? Or any other function for the specefic task mentioned above ?
I already has tried using ":newName" instead of ":newname" but I can't do that every time I need to trim only ":new" and the string after ":new" can vary so can't do capitalizing the next letter.
The problem is that the second argument is a character mask as stated in the documenation - meaning that it strips all the characters defined in that string.
As a simple workaround you could use preg_replace
$str = preg_replace('/^:new/', '', ':newname');
echo $str; // prints name