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No bean found when using koin in non-activity class

I am trying to use work manager and use Koin to get some dependencies I have setup. My work manager extends KoinComponent which then allows me to use by inject but every time I try to use a component I am trying to get I get the error

NoBeanDefFoundException: No definition found for class AuthenticationService. Check your definitions!

Bear in mind that I use these dependencies just fine in activities and view models

My work manager

class BackgroundSync(private val context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters):CoroutineWorker(context, workerParams),

    override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
        val authService:AuthenticationService by inject()
        val token = authService.getAuthToken() // Error here when trying to use it

Then in my Koin module setup I have this

private val myModule = module {
    single<IAuthenticationService> { AuthenticationService() }

I used this question as reference but I cant get it to work properly, any idea's in what I am doing wrong?


  • In Koin you should inject exactly what you provide. In your case, in the koin module, you provide an interface but in BackgroundSync you inject the concrete class.

    I believe you need to inject the interface:

    class BackgroundSync(private val context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters):CoroutineWorker(context, workerParams),
        override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
            val authService:IAuthenticationService by inject()
            val token = authService.getAuthToken() // Error here when trying to use it