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Camera Intent not working with multiple camera apps

In my app I run camera intent to take picture with photo App, with this code below:

Activity activity;
File currentPhotoFile;
Intent capturePhoto = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
Uri uri = GenericFileProvider.getUriForFile(activity, activity.getPackageName() + providerSufixName, currentPhotoFile);
capturePhoto.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, uri);
activity.startActivityForResult(capturePhoto, REQUEST_PHOTO);

And after that I catch the created photo in my activity.onActivityResult function in Activity

If I have only one! photo App on my mobile device - everything works fine.

But! If I installed on my device one more! photo application - the code above is not working :(

In case two photo apps, when I call activity.startActivityForResult - I see andoid system dialog with list of all available photo apps. (like Intent.createChooser calling). I select from it, preferable photo app and tap "JUST ONCE". Selected application runs, I take picture inside it and press Ok button for returning back to my App. At this moment I recieve callback to my onActivityResult with my code: REQUEST_PHOTO but with requestCode = RESULT_CANCELED. And that's all :(

Why it's not working? And how I can resolve this issue and use camera intent with more than one photo application?


  • The problem was that in manifest I have option: android:launchMode="singleInstance" for my activity.


    For solving above issue you should remove singleInstance option from manifest file (or replace it within singleTask option). This is resolve the issue and onActivityResult is properly working.