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Lambda Expressions for Higher Order Function in Haskell

Following this book, everything in Haskell is λ-calculus: A function like f(x)=x+1 can be written in Haskell as f = \x -> x+1 and , in λ expression as λx.x+1.

  • What is λ expression for a higher order function like map::(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]? Or λ expression for the function ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b?
  • What about the list of functions (ie. f::[a->b])? A specific example can be h = map (\f x -> f x 5) [(-),(+)]. Then λ notation is something like h = map (λfx.f(x(5)) [(λab.a-b),(λab.a+b)]?

I'm just familiar with processes like alpha conversion, beta reduction but if you break down the function list in λ terms, that would be appreciated and no need of simplification.



  • First off,

    everything in Haskell is λ-calculus

    This is not really correct. Haskell has lots of features that don't correspond to something in untyped λ-calculus. Maybe they mean it could be compiled to λ-calculus, but that's kind of obvious, what with “any Turing-complete language...” jadda jadda.

    What is λ expression for a higher order function like map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

    There are two unrelated issues here. The “higher order function” part is no problem at all for a direct λ translation, and as the comments already said

    ($) = \f -> \x -> f x   -- λf.λx.fx

    or alternatively

    ($) = \f x -> f x
    ($) = \f -> f  -- by η-reduction

    (which in Haskell we would further shorten to ($) = id).

    The other thing is that map is a recursive function defined on an algebraic data type, and translating that to untyped λ-calculus would lead us quite far away from Haskell. It is more instructive to translate it to a λ-flavour that includes pattern matching (case) and let-bindings, which is indeed essentially what GHC does when compiling a program. It's easy enough to come up with

    map = \f l -> case l of
                   [] -> []
                   (x:xs) -> f x : map f xs

    ...or to avoid recursing on a top-level binding

    map = \f -> let go l = case l of
                            [] -> []
                            (x:xs) -> f x : go xs
                in go

    We can't get rid of the let just like that, since λ-calculus doesn't directly support recursion. But recursion can also be expressed with a fixpoint combinator; unlike in untyped λ-calculus, we can't define the Y-combinator ourselves but we can just assume fix :: (a -> a) -> a as a primitive. That turns out to fulfill almost exactly the same job as a recursive let-binding, which is then immediately evaluated:

    map = \f -> fix ( \go l -> case l of
                                [] -> []
                                (x:xs) -> f x : go xs )

    To make up a λ-style syntax for this,

    map = λf.fix(λgl.{l? []⟼[]; (x:s)⟼fx:gs})