I have QTableWidget with 2 columns. I want just the first column clickable or selectable, other column should not be.
In below example, I just want Session Column to be clickable, not the Archive Object Column
def _populateJobTW(self):
#Populating ListWidget with data
myDate = self.RundateEdit.date()
mycursor.execute("""select "Archiving Session", "Archiving Object"||'('||"Variant"||')' from admirun where
"Date of Archiving" = '{}' and "Archiving Object" != 'BC_XMB';""".format(SearchDate))
for row_number, row_data in enumerate(result):
for column_number, data in enumerate(row_data):
#item = self.cell("text")
self.JobTW.setItem(row_number, column_number, QTableWidgetItem(str(data)))
##############Make all column un selectable or other than the first column
if column_number > 0:
data1 = QTableWidgetItem(data)
data1.setFlags(data1.flags() | Qt.ItemIsSelectable)
#data.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable)
def _cellClicked(self, row, col):
# Row and Col came directly from the click
item = self.JobTW.item(row, col) # Will assign the values
print("The session Nnumber is {} ".format(item.text()))
A possible solution to prevent the clicked signal from being emitted for certain items may be to override the mouseXEvents method overriding the default behavior but that can cause problems, instead a trivial solution is to filter in the slot:
def _cellClicked(self, row, column):
# Row and Col came directly from the click
if column == 0:
item = self.JobTW.item(row, col) # Will assign the values
if item is not None:
print("The session Nnumber is {} ".format(item.text()))
With the above, the columns are still selected, and if you do not want that behavior, you can use a delegate:
class NonSelectableDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index):
return index.column() != 0
delegate = NonSelectableDelegate(self.JobTW)