Two part question: 1. When I print my report, my subreports are not showing up. Is there a trick to this? 2. When I use the below code, it is giving me an error. I want to email the main report, with 2 subreports, on command click as a .pdf.
DoCmd.SendObject ([acSendReport],["AUS_Main"],[acFormatPDF],[],,,[AUS Checklist and Orders],["Sir/Ma'am,", & vbln "Attached is my AUS checklist. I have read and understand all information on this document, and will reach out to HRO if I have any unanswered questions."]
No, entire report should be in PDF
The [ ] characters are not needed. Nor is the single unpaired paren at beginning.
Email string needs to be in quotes.
Message concatenation is messed up.
vbln is not valid, use vbCrLf
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "AUS_Main", acFormatPDF, "", , , _
"AUS Checklist and Orders", "Sir/Ma'am, " & vbCrLf & "Attached is my AUS checklist. I have read and understand all information on this document, and will reach out to HRO if I have any unanswered questions."