I have a series of tables I have to audit against each other. Each table has a varying amount of columns anywhere from 4 to 40. The task at hand is to audit column ID in tableA and column ID in table B. etc.
my code looks like this
SELECT mismatch_field =
CASE WHEN E.id <> Live.id THEN 'ID'
WHEN E.FirstName <> Live.FirstName THEN 'FirstName'
WHEN E.LastName <> Live.LastName THEN 'LastName'
WHEN E.WEB_Name <> Live.WEB_Name THEN 'WEB_Name'
'<-EDI -- LIVE->',
from #upld_TEST E
left outer join #upld_LIVE Live on E.id = Live.id
WHERE ( E.id <> Live.id OR
E.FirstName <> Live.FirstName OR
E.LastName <> Live.LastName OR
E.WEB_Name <> Live.WEB_Name )
ORDER BY CASE WHEN E.id <> Live.id THEN 'id'
WHEN E.FirstName <> Live.FirstName THEN 'FirstName'
WHEN E.LastName <> Live.LastName THEN 'LastName'
WHEN E.WEB_Name <> Live.WEB_Name THEN 'WEB_Name'
It's pretty straightforward. Find me the fields that don't match, and report the column that doesn't match and the remainder of the columns for review.
What i'm looking to do is have the output be a little simplified. If E.FirstName <> Live.FirstName, I want the output to read FirstName then show me the Test field in a column and Live field in the next column so it looks something like this (and will require a lot less scrolling and looking)
#Upld_Test Record_id Upld_Test Upld_Live
ID 12 626 231
FirstName 24 John Mark
FirstName 55 Sam Jani
WebName 11 Lake Smith Lake Smith's
The Record_Id is just an identifier that i want to appear, but the concern is instead of having all the columns from E table and all the columns from the Live table to appear and then i scroll to find the culprits only show me the incorrect ones.
How do i change my statement.
** Part two would be is there a way to make this super dynamic that the #temp_tables in question can be set up as variables at the top. So that i can change them as I said lots of tables to audit. and use one query *** Thank you.
You could use cross apply
. It is bit tricky because you need to align the datatypes - I don't know what they are so I used varchar(max)
select v.*
from #upld_TEST e
inner join #upld_live l on u.id = l.id
cross apply (values
cast(e.id as varchar(max)),
cast(l.id as varchar(max))
cast(e.FirstName as varchar(max)),
cast(l.FirstName as varchar(max))
cast(e.LastName as varchar(max)),
cast(l.LastName as varchar(max))
cast(e.WEB_Name as varchar(max)),
cast(l.WEB_Name as varchar(max))
) v(record_id, col, test_val, live_val)
where v.test_val <> v.live_val