May I know how to set the $n variable once I insert the data, $n will plus 1 to previous my insert number?
For similar example what I've tried:
$n = "AB000";
for ($n = 0; $n <= 0; $n++)
$query = "INSERT INTO [tablename] (user, country, batch_number) VALUES ('$user', '$country', $n)";
// execute query
I want the expect result can like below the table, every time I do the insert function, the batch number can auto add 1:
user | country| batch_number
John USA AB009
Lawn Germany AB010
Shawn England AB011
Hope someone can guide me how to solve this problem. Thanks.
What you think about this script.
This is a different approch to acheive
online fiddle:
$n = "A00";
$user = "userName";
$country = "country";
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$batch = "";
$batch = $n."".$i;
echo "INSERT INTO tablename (user, country, batch_number) VALUE "."('".$user."', '".$country."', $batch)";
echo "\n";