I want to add sentry to my React widget. it's a Hotel Reservation widget and lots of hotels use it.I added @senty/browser to the project and now there is a problem whenever any error happens in their websites i receive an issue from sentry. but i don't want to get errors from their codes.
here's my simple Sentry config code:
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'
I want a way to tell sentry only send errors from the widget scope ( only from some js files that belongs to the widget). Any help would be appreciated.
I searched and all i found was "beforeSend" function that will be called before sending the issue. but i couldn't figure it out. the data argument of beforeSend does not contain any usefull data for checking whether the error is from my code or not. and I don't know if it's possible to prevent sending issue inside beforeSend.
PS: the way that these hotels add the widget to their website is simple. they just have to add a script tag to the footer of their website (the built main.js of my project) and a div tag in wherever they want the widget to be placed (this div tag must have a specific ID).
Try use this one:
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
beforeSend(event, hint) {
const error = hint.originalException;
if (error && error.message && error.message.match(/database unavailable/i)) {
event.fingerprint = ['database-unavailable'];
return event;