I develop filter functionality and after pushing array Vuex pushes all objects of array inside one array row.
pushFiltered (state, payload) {
This is result on vue dev tools:
How to extract and push correctly? Also spread operator, concat too not helps.
UPDATE: I found solution. If there is a single object and you want to push whole object into an array then no need to iterate the object. from stackoverflow
This is my solution:
pushFiltered (state, payload) {
payload.forEach(function(row) {
It works but i don't know is good practice or not
Based on your code, I guess the first time filtered is not an array, I mean the initial state in the store.
So if you are passing and array of objects and want to push them, you can do it this way:
The initial state of filtered:
filtered: [],
The mutation:
mergeFiltered (state, payload) {
state.filtered = [...state.filtered, ...payload]
That way you are doing a merge between the current values in the filtered array and the incoming payload.