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Flink :Purging Process Window function Data

I need to have aggregation window in flink. I can't use aggregate function. since the getResult calculation requires me state access. So I tried to use aggregate with process :

    new AggregateFunction<Entry, Double, Double>() {
            , new ProcessWindowFunction<Double,Result,Entry,TimeWindow>() {

                public void process(Entry item,
                        ProcessWindowFunction<Double, Result, Entry, TimeWindow>.Context ctx,
                        Iterable<Double> aggInput, Collector<Result> output) throws Exception {



But still , I need just the latest value of the aggInput , and I don't see a reason to save thos in memory, in my app it can be milliards of data. so I thought if I can purge each time the window data.


  • When you combine an AggregateFunction with a ProcessWindowFunction, only the latest value of the aggregate is kept in the window state, and the Iterable sent to the process method will only contain that one pre-aggregated entry. (A ReduceFunction will work the same way.)

    In other words, the optimization you are looking for is already there. The documentation has a bit more detail.