i tried to cut the first line of file A with the value in the first line of file B, the 2nd line of file A with the value of in the 2nd line of file B and so on ...
I tried this code:
while IFS= read -r line; do
cut -c $line- file.A
done < file.B >out.txt
the issue is, that bash cut all lines from file A with the value of the first line, followed by cutting all line from file A with the 2nd value of the file B...
Can someone help me?
You have to read both files line by line. This can be done with an additional file descriptor
while IFS= read -r a && IFS= read -ru3 b; do
cut -c "$a"- <<< "$b"
done < file.A 3< file.B > out.txt
Here you can also use bash built-ins instead of cut
to make the script run a bit faster:
while IFS= read -r a && IFS= read -ru3 b; do
printf %s\\n "${b:a-1}"
done < file.A 3< file.B > out.txt
Both commands from above assume 1-base indices as the code in your question did too. If you are using 0-based indices, change the loop body to
cut -c "$((a+1))"- <<< "$b"
printf %s\\n "${b:a}"