I currently started to use django-modeltranslation in a Django app and I would like to make a query to retrieve the instance of a model, independent of the language set in the system. For example I have the following model:
class Product(models.Model):
description = models.CharField(max_length=200)
sku = models.CharField(unique=True, null=False, max_length=30)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2)
and the following in translation.py:
class ProductTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions):
fields = ('description', 'sku')
translator.register(Product, ProductTranslationOptions)
and the Django setting:
gettext = lambda s: s
('en', gettext('English')),
('de', gettext('German')),
Let's create a product instance:
Product.objects.create(description_en='product en', description_de='product de', sku_en='sku-001', sku_de='sku-002', price=10.0)
Now I want to find the instance with the sku sku-002
, to retrieve the price of a product (which is independent of the language).
However this returns an empty MultilingualQuerySet
Only the following returns the correct Product instance.
from django.utils import translation
I guess this is the intended behavior of django-modeltranslation, but sometimes it would be practical to find an instance independent of the language.
A solution could be to iterate through all LANGUAGES
and try to find the instance for each language:
from django.conf import settings
LANGUAGES = list(getattr(settings,
(l[0] for l in settings.LANGUAGES)))
def find_product_by_sku(sku):
for language in LANGUAGES:
product = Product.objects.filter(**{"sku_{}".format(language): sku})
if product:
return product
However this is not very practical, especially for an existing application, where the code would need to be adjusted in several places. Is there a way to use directly the Query Set Manager to retrieve the instance independent of the language?
See here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27418377/django-modeltranslation-queries-fallback
It looks like a current behaviour (no support for fallback during queries).
In the stackoverflow link is this recommended which could help a little: .filter(Q(title_de = 'hello') | Q(title_en = 'hello'))
You could take a look if packages which use postgres jsonb field for all languages together (django-modeltrans, django-nece) support this better. I have tested nothing, but I read at django-modeltrans about "_i18n" and about other support in django-nece.