I have a Pagination element rendered inside a Card element:
This is the code:
<Col col="6" sm="4" md="2" xl className="mb-3 mb-xl-0">
This is the TablePagination React functional component:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Pagination, PaginationItem, PaginationLink } from "reactstrap";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
/** I used object destructuring of the props object, to pass down the properties as variables. This improves readability by getting rid of props. */
const TablePagination = ({
}) => {
return (
/**The reactstrap Pagination component encapsulates the reactstrap PaginationItem which in turn encapsulates reactstrap PaginationLink. */
/**The first PaginationItem inside the Pagination is the previous button. This is disabled when the current page is zero or less
* than zero “disabled={currentPage <= 0}”. */
<Pagination size="sm">
<PaginationItem disabled={currentPage <= 0}>
<PaginationLink onClick={handlePreviousClick} previous href="#" />
{/* The next PaginationItem after the previous PaginationItem button is the dynamic PaginationItem. This is the one that generates the page number buttons. */}
{/* “Array(pagesCount)”: creates and initializes a new array object of length equal to pagesCount. */}
{/* “[…Array(pagesCount)].map( fn)”: using the spread operator I expand the array. After expanding, the map() method then creates a new array of PaginationItems. */}
{[...Array(pagesCount)].map((page, i) => (
<PaginationItem active={i === currentPage} key={i}>
<PaginationLink onClick={(e) => handlePageClick(e, i)} href="#">
{i + 1}
<PaginationItem disabled={currentPage >= pagesCount - 1}>
<PaginationLink onClick={handleNextClick} next href="#" />
TablePagination.propTypes = {
//pageCount: the total number of records in our dataset.
pagesCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
//currentPage: the current page navigated to
currentPage: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
/**handlePageClick: a function that handles the click event when a page number is clicked.
* This function will pass the current page number which will be saved in state. */
handlePageClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
/**handlePreviousClick: a function that handles the click event when the previous button is clicked. This enables navigating to the previous(<<) page. */
handlePreviousClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
/**handleNextClick: a function that handles the click event when the next (>>) button is clicked. This enables navigating to the next page. */
handleNextClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
export default TablePagination;
I've searched in the documentation, I couldn't find a way to make the Pagination numbers be rendered in the next line in case they exceed the width limit.
You can add a style rule for the ".pagination" element
flex-wrap: wrap;
But it looks kinda crappy with several lines. I think it's better to use dots for exceeded pages, e.g. MaterialUI pagination