I want my rootfs to be readonly. As far as I found out there a few measures that need to be done to achieve that before setting the "readonly-rootfs"
Right now, I'm trying to move the files passwd
, shadow
, gshadow
and group
from /etc
in the rootfs to a persistent storage, namely /data/etc
and how the following recipe which basically does the job:
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "move_to_persistent;"
shadow \
gshadow \
passwd \
group \
# Testing a different location here in rootfs with the same result
# as described in the stack overflow question
FROM = "${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}"
TO = "${PERSISTENT_TARGET_DIRECTORY}/data${sysconfdir}"
move_to_persistent () {
install -d ${TO}
for fn in ${WANT_PERSISTENT}; do
mv ${FROM}/$fn ${TO}/$fn
ln -r -s ${TO}/$fn ${FROM}/$fn
Unfortunately, I get the following error that useradd command did not succeed.
And in fact when I check the ownership of the moved files I see my host user as owner there:
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 marius marius 639 Mai 19 12:47 group
-rw------- 1 marius marius 536 Mai 19 12:47 gshadow
-rw-r--r-- 1 marius marius 1025 Mai 19 12:47 passwd
-rw------- 1 marius marius 649 Mai 19 12:47 shadow
Now, the question is: How do I set or preserve the correct ownership of the files and do you see other problems ahead with this approach? Thank you all in advance!
Simply symlinking /etc/passwd to writable storage does not work because of the checks made by passwd and other tools. There are a couple of things that would work, which I will mention below. But before that, using passwd implies that you are using passwords for authentication, which is not the most secure way of doing it. Maybe you could use a certificate of some sort (as with ssh keys) or some kind of web authentication
Anyhow, here are two ways to get passwd to work...
Copy /etc to a directory in a writable partition, named /data in the example. Note that you have to copy the whole of /etc because passwd needs to create several files in there during the update
Do this once (at build time)
cp -a /etc /data
Do this at boot time
mount --bind /data/etc /etc
Build your kernel with CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS. Then you can do something like this:
Do this once (at build time)
mkdir -p /data/etc/work /data/etc/upper
Do this at boot time
mount -t overlay \
-o lowerdir=/etc,upperdir=/data/etc/upper,workdir=/data/etc/work \
overlay /etc
Any changes to /etc are actually recorded in /data/etc/upper, but will appear to be in /etc.
I am not giving OpenEmbedded recipes to implement either of these solutions here because the changes are pretty trivial but dependent on the exact configuration you are building