This used to work until a week ago, when the VM ran out of memory due to a missing finally in a try-catch. So, I tried to re-deploy with this fix to a new instance and now nothing is working.
Here is the git repository of the server:
I use the GCP console shell to build and push the image. It is on the VM with the container available and running. However, when I try to connect to the external IP address, nothing is there.
Here is a screenshot of the docker ps
& docker images
Here is a screenshot of the Firewall Rules
Halp!!!! lol
I cloned the repo locally and found a typo in the port:
const PORT =
process.env.PORT || (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? 8443 : 433); // should be 443
I think you meant 443 instead of 433.