I got a singleton class Globals, and I like to have a static method to navigate to other pages across my app.
public class Globals
public static async void openBlazorPage( string pageName )
await Task.Run( () => { NavigationManager.NavigateTo( pageName ); } );
but I can not access NavigationManager in this class.
To access NavigationManager inside component code behind class outside of Razor page, use [Inject] attribute like below -
public class EmployeeEditBase : ComponentBase
public NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; set; }
Make sure to use code behind approach for components.
For using inside any service, use constructor injection. In your case you can use constructor inject too.
public class Globals
private readonly NavigationManager _navMagager;
public Globals(NavigationManager navManager)
_navMagager = navManager;
public static async void openBlazorPage( string pageName )
await Task.Run( () => { _navMagager .NavigateTo( pageName ); } );
Hope, it'll help you. Thanks