I am trying to make artisan command which would execute a non-ending script (more precisely it is a gulp watch command). Is it possible to output something to console in real time and not waiting for script to end?
exec($basedir . "test.sh", $output);
foreach ($output as $item) {
looks like this (shortened for brevity):
echo "something"
echo "something else"
gulp watch
Since command doesn't actually end, I can't retrieve two echos running inside it. Is there a way to do it?
I have resolved it by doing the following:
while (@ ob_end_flush()) ; // end all output buffers if any
// this section streams output to terminal
$proc = popen($basedir . "test.sh", 'r');
while (!feof($proc)) {
$this->info(fread($proc, 4096));
@ flush();