I'm currently trying out web development frameworks for haskell and I recently came across yesod. It seemed pretty interesting so I installed it using cabal, however I'm not able to run the development server. Following their getting started instructions here's the result:
$ yesod init
$ cd mysite
$ yesod devel
Configuring mysite-0.0.0...
Testing files...
Rebuilding app
yesod: bind: resource busy (Address already in use)
Preprocessing library mysite-0.0.0...
Preprocessing executables for mysite-0.0.0...
Building mysite-0.0.0...
Could not find module `Data.Dynamic':
It is a member of the hidden package `base'.
Perhaps you need to add `base' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
It is a member of the hidden package `base-'.
Perhaps you need to add `base' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Testing files...
Testing files...
^^ above line just keeps repeating...
I'm assuming it has something to do with the Data.Dynamic module but I don't know how to go about fixing it.
Running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick
ghc version:
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.12.1
I haven't run into this specific issue, but the error message looks like it's a simple question of GHC being unable to find version the package "base." This version has been buildable since GHC 6.9, so you should have it. Try running the following command:
ghc-pkg check
This will tell you if there is something wrong with your packages. Cabal can be a bit of a nightmare for dependencies -- partly, it seems, because a lot of Haskell developers underestimate the extent to which their underlying libraries will shift in the future. So they will define a dependency as ">= [version of package x]" without limiting the max version to the one presently available. Or they just leave out version-limiting altogether.
Yesod, I'm happy to say, doesn't fall into this trap. But several of the libraries it depends on do. When you start developing in Haskell, learn this lesson: never assume that future versions of a library won't break your code. They will. A lot.
If ghc-pkg comes up with broken packages, you may need to clean up/uninstall/reinstall these packages until they are either cleaned up or hidden. (Just do ghc-pkg hide [package name]
to tell ghc to ignore that package.
Your next problem is that hidden base package. Try the following:
ghc-pkg list | grep base
If you see brackets around the library, that means it's hidden. The package base- might show up as hidden (although that's a bit unlikely, as that's where the backward-compatible Prelude lives). If it is hidden, try to unhide it with the following command:
ghc-pkg expose base-
Now try re-running yesod devel
and see how it goes. Best case scenario is that it works. If not, let us know.