Search code examples

Spring Data JPA - How to implement LIKE search with multiple values on the same column

Lets say I've the following table,


  1. Batman Begins
  2. Batman Returns
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  5. Shakespeare in Love
  6. Dead Poets Society
  7. Deadpool
  8. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

I'd like to implement a search on the movie title and pass comma separated values (search with multiple keywords)

For example,

search text: Batman result: Records #1,2

search text: Batman, Return result: Records #1,2,3,4

search text: Lord, Love result: Records #4,5,8

Without looping for each of the keyword, can this be implemented in one call using the LIKE search (or something else) in Spring Data JPA?



  • I suspect you have an entity like this

    public class Movie {
       Long id;
       String title;
       //getters, setters ...

    Then you need repository extends JpaSpecificationExecutor

    public interface MovieRepository
            extends JpaRepository<Movie, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Movie> {

    and Specification utility class

    public class MovieSpecification {
        public static Specification<Movie> titleContains(String searchWord) {
            return (root, query, builder) -> {
               Expression<String> titleLowerCase = builder.lower(root.get("title"));
               return, "%" + searchWord.toLowerCase() + "%")

    Usage on service layer:

    MovieRepository repository;
    public List<Movie> getMoviesWhereTitleContainsAnyWord(List<String> words) {
        if(words.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        Specification<Movie> specification = null;   
        for(String word : words) {
           Specification<Movie> wordSpecification = MovieSpecification.titleContains(word);
           if(specification == null) {
               specification = wordSpecification;
           } else {
               specification = specification.or(wordSpecification);
        return repository.findAll(specification);

    The more words you pass to the method the slower your query become due to multiple or clauses.