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Exchange references between two same-level components

I have two custom-components that are spawned by a common parent with different data as two tabs on mat-tab-group.

  <mat-tab label="TAB1">
    <ng-template matTabContent>
      <custom-component [data]="tab1data"></custom-component>
  <mat-tab label="TAB2">
    <ng-template matTabContent>
      <custom-component [data]="tab2data"></custom-component>

The data is a setter that sets the internal _data and wraps it in MatTableDataSource:

set data(val: Data[]) {
    this._data = val;

loadData(): void {
    this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource<Data>(this._data);
    this.dataSource.sort = this.sort;

I have a situation where actions for component on the first tab should affect data on the other tab. Is there any way to pass component references, so I could change _data and call loadData() from other component?


  • You can do this with Rxjs observables

    Here is stackblitz example of how to communicate between two components


    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
    export class MyServiceService {
      private dataChangeObservable = new Subject<any>();
        dataChangeStream = this.dataChangeObservable.asObservable();
      constructor() { }
      emitDataChange() {;


    onclickDiv() {
        this.myService.emitDataChange(); // Here you are triggering for change


    ngOnInit() {
        this.dataChangeSubscription$ = this.myService.dataChangeStream.subscribe(() => {
           this.count++; // Here you will get notified/listener of change


    If you have same component instances, then you have to pass some value to determine on which instance should get updated


    Your parent html

    <app-componentone [name]="'one'"></app-componentone>
    <app-componentone [name]="'two'"></app-componentone>

    Here one and two pass as an input to just to identify the instance

    Then your ts

    import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
    import { MyServiceService } from '../my-service.service';
       selector: 'app-componentone',
       templateUrl: './componentone.component.html',
       styleUrls: ['./componentone.component.css']
    export class ComponentoneComponent implements OnInit {
      @Input() name; // it will have instance name
      count = 0;
         private myService: MyServiceService
      ) { }
      ngOnInit() {
        this.myService.dataChangeStream.subscribe((value) => { // here we will get to notify which instance should get updated
          if ( !== value) { // Here we checking for instance name for updating, if same component instance don't do anything else update
      onclickDiv() {
        // Here I am passing parameter, so if click is triggered from instance one, we have to update other instances, so passing parameter 'one' i.e. name, to avoid updating same component instance