I am trying to use azcopy from python, I have already used this from CLI and it is working!
I have successfully executted the following commands:
for upload :
set AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET=<my client secret>
azcopy login --service-principal --application-id=<removed> --tenant-id=<removed>
azcopy copy "D:\azure\content" "https://dummyvalue.blob.core.windows.net/container1/result4" --overwrite=prompt --follow-symlinks --recursive --from-to=LocalBlob --blob-type=Detect
Similarly for download
azcopy copy "https://dummyvalue.blob.core.windows.net/container1/result4" "D:\azure\azcopy_windows_amd64_10.4.3\temp\result2" --recursive
Now, I want to automate these commands using python, I know that azcopy can also be used using SAS keys but that is out of scope for my working
First attempt:
from subprocess import call
call(["azcopy", "login", "--service-principal", "--application-id=<removed>", "--tenant-id=<removed>"])
Second attempt:
import os
os.system("azcopy login --service-principal --application-id=<removed> --tenant-id=<removed>")
in my environment.
I am using python 3 on windows.
Every time I get this error:
Failed to perform login command: service principal auth requires an application ID, and client secret/certificate
NOTE: If your credential was created in the last 5 minutes, please wait a few minutes and try again.
I don't want to use Azure VM to do this job
Could anyone please help me fix this problem?
This is because the set
cmd does not set a permanent environment variable, it only takes effect in the current windows cmd prompt.
You should manually set the environment variable via UI or try to use setx
I did a test by using your code, and manually set the environment variable of AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET
as per UI, then the code can run without issues(it may take a few minutes to take effect).
Test result is as below: