I am using Python to convert data from a xml file to json and putting it in a file. I am using xmltodict to convert to dictionary using 'parse' and then converting into json using 'dumps'. Here is the code below: -
import xmltodict
import json
with open('note.xml') as xml_file:
with open('note.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(json_data, f)
Here is a sample xml file that I have used. However, in the output, I am getting something not quite json like, with the added backslash. Looks like gibberish: -
"{\"note\": {\"to\": \"Tove\", \"from\": \"Jani\", \"heading\": \"Reminder\", \"body\": \"Don't forget me this weekend!\"}}"
I am trying to understand why I am not able to get data in proper json form. Is there anything wrong with my code? Please note that I am not a very skilled programmer and have only used Python sporadically.
You need to add below code after json_data=json.dumps(my_dict)
to convert string to json object
json_data = json.loads(json_data)