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Change loading indicator Offset in Xamarin.Forms RefreshView

On Xamarin.Forms (iOS Android), I need to change the loading-indicator position on the RefreshView. I need to add offset, so the indicator is visible if you have a bar overlapping the ScrollView-RefreshView combo and trigger pullOnRefresh.

Loading-indicator in the top edge

EDIT: thanks to Junior Jiang - MSFT- Android solution

I also implement a solution for xamarin.iOS

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(RefreshView), typeof(CustomRefreshViewRenderer))] 
namespace CustomRefresh.iOS {
public class CustomRefreshViewRenderer : RefreshViewRenderer
    protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<RefreshView> e)

        foreach (var nativeView in Subviews)


    void updateRefreshSettings(UIView view) {
        if (view is UIScrollView)
            var scrollView = view as UIScrollView;
            if (scrollView.RefreshControl != null)
                var bounds = scrollView.RefreshControl.Bounds;
                scrollView.RefreshControl.Bounds = new CGRect(bounds.X, -(100), bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
        //add more scrollable view types



  • You can custom a RefreshViewRenderer to achieve that .

    In Android , there is a MOriginalOffsetTop to modify the offset of loading indicator . In addition , also can use SetProgressViewOffset to set the start and end position of indicator .

    Code as follow :

    using Android.Content;
    using RefreshViewDemo.Droid;
    using Xamarin.Forms;
    using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
    [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(RefreshView), typeof(CustomRefreshViewRenderer))]
    namespace RefreshViewDemo.Droid
        public class CustomRefreshViewRenderer : RefreshViewRenderer
            public CustomRefreshViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
                MOriginalOffsetTop = 100;
               // SetProgressViewOffset(true, 100, 101);

    In iOS , the loading indicator belong to UIRefreshControl of UIScrollView , there is no direct way to change it's offset . Unless override all content view in Renderer then can achieve that . You can refer this Xamarin.Forms/Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS/Renderers/RefreshViewRenderer.cs to know what the RefreshView is made of .


    Shared code is based on this official sample :

    For Android , just need to create a CustomRefreshViewRenderer class in android solution .

    The effect of SetProgressViewOffset(true, 100, 101) , it seems like the indicator not moving :

    enter image description here