I have 2 Tables Patient table and Title table
Patient Table 3 Fields
PatientTableID FirstName PatTitleLookup
1 John (Value Stored as integer)
2 Mary (Value Stored as integer)
Title Table 2 Fields
ID Title
1 Mr.
2 Ms.
I want to concatenate Title and First Name
So I use this
SELECT CONCAT(`PatientTable`.`PatTitleLookup`, '. ', `PatientTable`.`FirstName`)
FROM `PatientTable`
WHERE `PatientTable`.`PatientTableID` = 1
I get "1.John" instead of "Mr. John" "2.Mary" instead of "Ms. Mary"
Please advise I am sure my syntax is wrong
You need to join the title
s table to get the values from it. Use an on
for how the data should join
SELECT CONCAT(t.title, '. ', pt.FirstName)
FROM PatientTable as pt
join Title as t
on pt.PatTitleLookup = t.id
WHERE pt.PatientTableID = 1
I also have used aliases (as pt
, as t
) here for your tables, makes referencing shorter later in queries.