If I have 20 variables I've already recoded, why can't I pipe the mutate() into as_factor()? I don't get an error but it just doesn't do any leveling.
I can do it one by one
df$Ethnicity %<>% as_factor()
but I can't do:
df %<>%
Gender = case_when(
Q4 == 1 ~ "Male",
Q4 == 2 ~ "Female",
TRUE ~ as.character("Other")),
Education = case_when(
Education_n %in% c(1:4) ~ "Low",
Education_n %in% c(5:8) ~ "Medium",
Education_n %in% c(9:11) ~ "High",
TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
I've tried it as_factor(.) too, to no avail. Do I really have to manually wrap every case_when in factor()
? I have twenty variables, I'd like to avoid a solution that requires writing each one out into a purr:: function or repeating wrapping factor() twenty times.
If you don't want to convert each column to factor you can use across
to turn range of columns to factor.
df %<>%
Gender = case_when(
Q4 == 1 ~ "Male",
Q4 == 2 ~ "Female",
TRUE ~ as.character("Other")),
Education = case_when(
Education_n %in% c(1:4) ~ "Low",
Education_n %in% c(5:8) ~ "Medium",
Education_n %in% c(9:11) ~ "High",
TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
mutate(across(Gender:Education, as_factor))
If you have an older version of dplyr
use mutate_at
mutate_at(vars(Gender:Education), as_factor)