i have a table WEATHER_STATION.Precipitacao like this
value | date | station with various values for example :
valor_observado | data_observacao | estacao
14 2020-01-18 X
15 2020-01-19 X
16 2020-01-20 X
1 2020-01-18 Y
2 2020-01-19 Y
3 2020-01-20 Y
i want to make a stored procedure with a date as input , that give me the highest value, the date and the station . In this example , the result with a input of '2020-01-18' will be
data_observacao | valor_observado | estacao
2020-01-18 14 X
I make a stored procedure like this but it didn't work (nothing appears) :
select data_observacao=@data , maximo_precipitacao,estacao
from WEATHER_STATION.Precipitacao
inner join
(select data_observacao= @data ,max(valor_observado) as maximo_precipitacao
from WEATHER_STATION.Precipitacao) a
on a.data_observacao = WEATHER_STATION.Precipitacao.data_observacao AND a.maximo_precipitacao = valor_observado
the result is this:
data_observacao | valor_observado | estacao
Consider using a row-limiting query:
create proc precipitacao_maxima_data
@data date
select top (1) t.*
from weather_station.precipitacao t
where data_observacao = @data
order by valor_observacao desc;
This simply selects all rows whose data_observacao
matches the given @data
parameter, sorts them by descending valor_observacao
, and retains the first row only.