Is it possible to modify the script below so that the value of each option is a function?
$option[0] = 'html option 1';
$option[1] = 'html option 2';
echo $option[rand()%count($option)];
Obviously, this doesn't work:
function get_ads_rotation(){
$option[0] = get_ad_option1();
$option[1] = get_ad_option2();
echo $option[rand()%count($option)];
(Props to yes123 for the randomization script above)
Direct answer to the question: variables can store anonymous functions since PHP 5.3 only. It would be like this:
$option[1] = function($args) { /* do something here with $args */ };
However in preceding versions you could achieve something similar with call_user_func()
, by storing function names in your options, and then passing the chosen option as the first argument. E.g.
$option[1] = 'functionOne';
// ...
call_user_func($option[1], /* other parameters if needed */);
However, it has a security hole, if the value is taken from user input.
Hence, more secure option would be to manually call the function depending on the chosen option with a switch
switch ($option[rand()%count($option)]) {
case 'html option 1' : functionOne(); break;
case 'html option 2' : functionTwo(); break;
case 'html option 3' : functionThree(); break;
// ....
default : break;