I designed a button with tkinter in root window, when i click on the button, a new window should appear with a treeView. I already defined a style for the treeView but it doesn't apply. The full code is shown below
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import pandas as pd
root = tk.Tk()
style1 = ttk.Style()
style1.configure("mystyle1.Treeview", highlightthickness=0, bd=0, font=('Calibri', 11, 'bold')) # Modify the font of the body
style1.configure("mystyle1.Treeview.Heading", font=('Calibri', 10,'bold'),foreground="white", background="blue") # Modify the font of the headings
style1.layout("mystyle1.Treeview", [('mystyle1.Treeview.treearea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]) # Remove the borders
def displaytree():
app = tk.Tk()
sample = {"File Name":[f"file_{i}" for i in range(5)],
'Sheet Name': [f"sheet_{i}" for i in range(5)],
'Number Of Rows': [f"row_{i}" for i in range(5)],
'Number Of Columns': [f"col_{i}" for i in range(5)]
df = pd.DataFrame(sample)
cols = list(df.columns)
treeV = ttk.Treeview(app, style="mystyle1.Treeview")
treeV["columns"] = cols
for i in cols:
treeV.column(i, anchor="w")
treeV.heading(i, text=i, anchor='w')
for index, row in df.iterrows():
bt1 = tk.Button(root, text="DISPLAY TREE VIEW", font="Times 12 bold", activebackground="white",
activeforeground="green",width=16,height=1,bg="green",fg="white", command=displaytree)
What did i miss? Thank you in advance for your help
Dont call tk.Tk() twice use Toplevel instead.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import pandas as pd
root = tk.Tk()
style1 = ttk.Style()
style1.configure("mystyle1.Treeview", highlightthickness=0, bd=0, font=('Calibri', 11, 'bold')) # Modify the font of the body
style1.configure("mystyle1.Treeview.Heading", font=('Calibri', 10,'bold'),foreground="white", background="blue") # Modify the font of the headings
style1.layout("mystyle1.Treeview", [('mystyle1.Treeview.treearea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]) # Remove the borders
def displaytree():
app = tk.Toplevel()
sample = {"File Name":[f"file_{i}" for i in range(5)],
'Sheet Name': [f"sheet_{i}" for i in range(5)],
'Number Of Rows': [f"row_{i}" for i in range(5)],
'Number Of Columns': [f"col_{i}" for i in range(5)]
df = pd.DataFrame(sample)
cols = list(df.columns)
treeV = ttk.Treeview(app, style="mystyle1.Treeview")
treeV["columns"] = cols
for i in cols:
treeV.column(i, anchor="w")
treeV.heading(i, text=i, anchor='w')
for index, row in df.iterrows():
bt1 = tk.Button(root, text="DISPLAY TREE VIEW", font="Times 12 bold", activebackground="white",
activeforeground="green",width=16,height=1,bg="green",fg="white", command=displaytree)