Search code examples

Shadows clipped by ScrollView

Is there a way I can get shadows applied to an image to also show outside of the parent view? Below you can see a sample, where I list out some images in a ScrollView and HStack. The image/artwork has a shadow applied to it, but this gets clipped by the ScrollView.

Screenshot for reference: enter image description here

ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
                                        HStack {
                                            ForEach(stationsFeed.items.sorted(by: { $0.updatedAt > $1.updatedAt }).prefix(15)) { item in

                                                NavigationLink(destination: StationDetailView(station: item)) {
                                                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {

                                                        if item.artwork != nil {
                                                                .frame(width: 130, height: 130)
                                                                .shadow(radius: 5)
                                                        } else {
                                                            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 6)
                                                                .shadow(radius: 5)


                                                        Text(item.categories.first?.name ?? "N/A")
                                                    .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 130, alignment: .leading)


  • To make shadow uncut, add padding to HStack


    ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
       HStack {
          ForEach(stationsFeed.items.sorted(by: { $0.updatedAt > $1.updatedAt }).prefix(15)) { item in
           // ... other code
       }.padding()        // << here !!