I've configured WSL for my computer, and it work in WSL terminal successfully.
zoom@Zoom:/etc/ssh$ ssh zoom@localhost -p 2222
zoom@localhost's password:
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However, I can't ssh WSL with cmd or Clion.
C:\Users\Zoom>ssh zoom@localhost -p 2222
ssh: connect to host localhost port 2222: Connection refused
Clion ssh
I get this error
Can't connect to remote host: Connection refused: connect
I have tried my best to search for a solution. But no solution works
this is some information on my sshd_config file:
Port 2222
UsePrivilegeSeparation no
PasswordAuthentication yes
AllowUsers zoom
I realy want to know how to fix it.
My Windos version is 2004 (os build 19635.1).
WSL version is 2.
WSL system is ubuntu-20.04
Thanks very much!
Ok, I see the problem. The WSL2 is said to use a virtual machine. So the IP in WSL is different from that in Windows. You won't have this problem in WSL version 1. Unfortunately, this will change the IP address of the WSL every time you reboot. There are also some solutions but I can't understand, so I will put the link reference from someone blog in chinese: https://www.oyohyee.com/post/note_wsl2_net (I don't know if this blog can solve the problem, but it seems like it could) I found the official solution: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/whats-new-for-wsl-in-insiders-preview-build-18945/