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Combine get-ChildItem with ACL powershell

Im looking for some help on information on files using Power shell, we have got most of when we need apart from the owner information.

the code below returns a list of directories that are older then 1 year, but the problem is we cannot seem to get the Owner Information to show in there:

gci -r 
"D:\Network Shares\ICT\ICT\Network Shares\ICT\Innovations\Robert Pitt" | ? 
    $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddYears(-1)} >> D:\temp\ICTFileAge.txt

We know of the command called Get-ACL, but were unsure how to tie it all up.

Anyone have any ideas please, thanks


  • Something like this?

    gci -r "D:\Network Shares\ICT\ICT\Network Shares\ICT\Innovations\Robert Pitt" |
    ? {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddYears(-1)} |
     % {$_ | add-member -name "Owner" -membertype noteproperty -value (get-acl $_.fullname).owner -passthru} |
      Select fullname,lastwritetime,owner