I am trying to achieve my angular application route to split in to 3 clear part.
let Scope-Module take care of feature modules. ( at present i have 2 feature modules )
let the feature module take care of it's own feature components.
the reason to clarity and rescablility i am trying to achieve this. but getting an error as "Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable 'AppRoutes'.
Any one help me to sort this issue? if the way what i try is wrong, can any one please show me the correct way to achieve this?
You have AppRoutes
declared twice in your file. You should probably name one appRoutes
const appRoutes: Routes = [{
loadChildren:() => import('./setup-config/setup-config.module').then(m => m.ScopeModule)
declarations: [],
imports: [
RouterModule.forRoot(appRoutes, {
scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled',
useHash: true
exports: []
export class AppRoutes {}