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Multiple lines of the same plot with amXYChart() function

I'm trying to use the amXYChart() function for the first time and I would like to represent two lines on the same plot but I don't manage to.

For example with that dataset. I can represent one line with the code below.

x <- data.frame("value" = 1:5, "cats" = c(10,20,30,40,50), "dogs" = c(15,25,35,36,48))
amXYChart(x="value", y="dogs", dataProvider=x, keepNA = TRUE) %>%
  addGraph(xField = "value", yField = "dogs")

However when I try to represent the two lines, my plot window is empty (Only the x axis is displayed).

x <- data.frame("value" = 1:5, "cats" = c(10,20,30,40,50), "dogs" = c(15,25,35,36,48))
amXYChart(x="value", y=c("cats","dogs"), dataProvider=x, keepNA = TRUE) %>%
  addGraph(xField = "value", yField = c("cats","dogs"))

Also I'm trying to use this package because of interactivity but when I place my curser of the plot (the first one) nothing appears. With the example below it works perfectly.

amTimeSeries(data_stock_2, 'date', c('ts1', 'ts2'))

Is interactivity only for time series data ?

Thanks very much for helping !


  • I suggest to use amSerialChart as follows:

    amSerialChart(dataProvider=dts, keepNA = TRUE, categoryField="value") %>%
      addGraph(valueField = "cats") %>%
      addGraph(valueField = "dogs") %>%


    vars <- c("cats", "dogs")
    p <- amSerialChart(dataProvider=dts, keepNA = TRUE, categoryField="value") 
    for (vark in vars) {
      p <- p %>% addGraph(valueField = vark)
    p %>% setChartCursor()

    enter image description here