I have deployed a simple html website running on NGINX on a AWS EC2 server. I intend to host 2-3 static websites on this server. For the time being, I have configured only 1 server block and hosted the website.
When I type the ip address/public dns name of the server in the browser, I can see my website. My domain name is registered with another service provider.
How should I update the Nameserver records in my domain registrar account? Should I just update the public ip address in the name server field or should I update the public dns name?
My domain registrar is asking for two name server details as compulsory fields. If I update the same public ip address twice, its not allowing me to save.
Please advise. I want to know the nameserver details for my EC2 based website. My website is not hosted on Amazon Route53.
Do not update your nameserver records, these are records you would use to configure where your DNS records should be resolved.
Instead you need to update/create an A record that points from the domain to your new host IP.