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Extension Method for Polly Policy

I am trying to find the best way to write an extension method for Polly Policy

I have the following

public static async Task<IPollyDto> RunAsync(this IPolicy dtoClass, Func<Task<IDto>> action)
        await Policy
            .Handle<ApiException>(ex => ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout)
                async (exception, retryCount) => await Task.Delay(200))
            .ExecuteAsync(async () => await action.Invoke().ConfigureAwait(false))

public interface IPollyDto {}
public interface IPolicy {}

Then I call the code as follows

public class DtoTest : IPollyDto

public class TestA
    public static async Task<DtoTest> GetItem(string datasetName)
        return await Task.Run(() => new DtoTest()) ;

public class PollyTest : IPolicy
    public async Task<DtoTest> TestMe(string dataset)
       return (DtoTest) await this.RunAsync(() => Task.Run(() => (IPollyDto) TestA.GetItem(dataset)));

I get an error resolving types.


  • You are missing async-await in your this.RunAsync(() => Task.Run(() => (IPollyDto) TestA.GetItem(dataset))) call. Change it to:

    this.RunAsync(() => Task.Run(async () => (IPollyDto)(await TestA.GetItem(dataset))));

    Or just:

    this.RunAsync(async () => (IPollyDto)(await TestA.GetItem(dataset)))