I want to run any arbitrary bash command from Deno, like I would with a child_process
in Node. Is that possible in Deno?
Deno 1.28.0 added a new API to run a shell command: Deno.Command
permission required)
let cmd = new Deno.Command("echo", { args: ["hello world"] });
let { code, stdout, stderr } = await cmd.output();
// stdout & stderr are a Uint8Array
console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(stdout)); // hello world
More advanced usage:
const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), {
args: [
"console.log('Hello World')",
stdin: "piped",
stdout: "piped",
const child = command.spawn();
// open a file and pipe the subprocess output to it.
Deno.openSync("output", { write: true, create: true }).writable,
// manually close stdin
const status = await child.status;
const s = await c.status;
This API replaced the deprecated Deno.run
In order to run a shell command, you have to use Deno.run
, which requires --allow-run
There's an ongoing discussion to use --allow-all
instead for running a subprocess
The following will output to stdout
// --allow-run
const process = Deno.run({
cmd: ["echo", "hello world"]
// Close to release Deno's resources associated with the process.
// The process will continue to run after close(). To wait for it to
// finish `await process.status()` or `await process.output()`.
If you want to store the output, you'll have to set stdout/stderr
to "piped"
const process = Deno.run({
cmd: ["echo", "hello world"],
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "piped"
const output = await process.output() // "piped" must be set
const outStr = new TextDecoder().decode(output);
const error = await p.stderrOutput();
const errorStr = new TextDecoder().decode(error);