On Windows 10 and via PowerShell, how do you add every sub-directory to the PATH variable?
I fine some method for Linux (e.g., this one), and "adapting" them to PowerShell, I came across the following.
'$env:PATH = $env:PATH + (find C:\Users\appveyor\ -type d -printf "\";%pbuild\\"")'
This throws The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
A bit more context: I am running this on appveyor, and trying to add every path under appveyor
(simplified for clarity) such as C:\Users\appveyor\*\build\
to path.
$env:PATH =
@($env:PATH) +
(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "[PATH TO SEARCH]" -Directory -Recurse).fullname
This based on @briantist's suggestion; the main difference is in the join
To get this work on appveyor, do the following:
"$env:PATH =
@($env:PATH) + [string]::join(
(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath \"[PATH TO SEARCH]\" -Directory -Recurse).fullname